Wednesday, March 16, 2005

Butler - Hurting Google where it feels most

IT seems some people are really angry about Google releasing Autolink feature with Google Toolbar. Found this article on Google Blogoscoped which displayes a photo of page which
1. It links to Google's competitors
2. Removes ads on most Google pages
3. Links to other book sites on Google Print and removes google's link

Future versions are planned to also remove ads in Gmail. This battle of "Autolink" is getting hotter. So far it was limited to war of words on blogosphere where bloggers like Scoble, Tim Bray and others expressed their view about autolinking. This is first time anybody has come up with a tool to "hurt" Google and its main revenue generation source - Ads. Lets see how google reacts to this issue. I think they may come up with some standard on this issue like they introduced "nofollow" tag.

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